Osteopathy Appointments
Osteopathy is suitable for all ages and a range of conditions.
Quick and simple online booking.
Appointments (up to 60 minutes)
Standard Hours: Pay As You Go £95 (multi-session packages available)
Sunday Emergency/Out of Hours Appointments: £150
Summit Wellbeing, East Sheen: Monday to Friday & Sunday (see hours on Locations page)
Majestic Fitness, Richmond: Tuesday & Thursday
All appointments
It is helpful to wear loose fitting comfortable clothing (i.e. not jeans).
Expect to be treated with dignity and respect.
Your first appointment – £95*
Let’s talk about you! I will ask questions about your general health, medical history and current symptoms. I also ask about lifestyle factors such as work, hobbies and exercise so that I can get a clear picture of how you use your body.
If you have any details of medical conditions, test results or x-rays/scans please feel free to bring these along. Similarly if you currently take any medications it is a good idea to write down their names and the dose you take, and bring this information to your appointment.
I will want to look at your standing posture and the way that your body moves so you may be asked to perform some movements. You may also be asked to remove some items of clothing to aid the examination. Your comfort and wellbeing is crucial to the whole process. Please feel free to ask questions at any time.
Using your information and my detailed knowledge of anatomy and physiology, I will explain my understanding of why your symptoms are likely to have presented themselves. We will then discuss the benefits, risks and alternatives to treatment. If it is considered that your treatment would be better under-taken by another health professional then a referral for appropriate services can be arranged.
If you agree to treatment expect it to be gentle and non-invasive. It will generally involve some combination of soft tissue massage, joint articulation and gentle manipulation. I can advise on the things you can do at home to help yourself. A collaborative treatment plan can be created to set out achievable outcomes within an agreed time frame.
Returning or Follow Up Appointment Pay As You Go £95* (multi-session packages available)
You will be asked about any changes to your health and well being since your last visit. During these appointments I will assess your progress and continue your treatment as described above. The treatment plan is reviewed and updated at each appointment as you progress.
* Sunday Emergency/Out of Hours Appointments £150
Payments can be made before or after each treatment. I am happy to accept payment by cash or debit/credit card.
I understand that things can change but please endeavour to give at least 24 hours notice for a cancellation.